When tracking down the culprit following a crime, time is always a critical factor. With routines based on software, police investigators establish the facts step by step. These routines provide security, and support the daily investigative work. In this way, rola software reduces criminals’ time advantage. The police investigators can concentrate on their investigation, and in addition draw the right conclusions based on their experience.
Making proper use of information
rsCase provides an overview of the data available to the police. Once this has been clarified, the question of access to sources outside their own information space then arises. Efficient software must support this expansion without media discontinuity and with a click of the mouse. rsCase fulfils these requirements.
Detecting information links in a flood of data
Separating the wheat from the chaff: The police investigator searches in a flood of information for facts that support his investigations. Missing links provide starting points for detecting relationships in the mass of data.
Coverage of special functions
In a police organisation, numerous units strive daily to make the world safer. In the continuing further development of rsCase, the standard system of the police in Germany, rola Security Solutions continues to take into account the special requirements of day-to-day police work.
High – higher – data protection
Data protection is a core element in the investigator’s work. For each individual person or group a decision has to be made, based on the specific context, as to who is permitted to view which information. Within rola, data protection is a design feature, and is taken into account and embedded into the software architecture right from the start.
Making proper use of information
rsCase provides an overview of the data available to the police. Once this has been clarified, the question of access to sources outside their own information space then arises. Efficient software must support this expansion without media discontinuity and with a click of the mouse. rsCase fulfils these requirements.
Detecting information links in a flood of data
Separating the wheat from the chaff: The police investigator searches in a flood of information for facts that support his investigations. Missing links provide starting points for detecting relationships in the mass of data.
Coverage of special functions
In a police organisation, numerous units strive daily to make the world safer. In the continuing further development of rsCase, the standard system of the police in Germany, rola Security Solutions continues to take into account the special requirements of day-to-day police work.
High – higher – data protection
Data protection is a core element in the investigator’s work. For each individual person or group a decision has to be made, based on the specific context, as to who is permitted to view which information. Within rola, data protection is a design feature, and is taken into account and embedded into the software architecture right from the start.
Data become facts
rsCase makes structures and relationships visible, allowing detection of hidden facts. The software supports the internationally established “Intelligence Cycle”: from the information acquisition and collection in an information space, the data preparation and the merging with existing knowledge, through to presentation of the results. All in a single system, and networked with additional sources. Based on the principle of single data entry, multiple use.
The situation at a glance
rsCase enables targeted data access, detection of new lines of investigation and graphical presentation of the results. A modern operating concept combined with extensive data retrieval capabilities makes relationships between individuals and organisational structures or flows of money or goods visible. The modularly structured solution is in use on a daily basis, in particular for complex cases, for example in the combatting of terrorism, organised crime, people smuggling or drug trafficking. rsCase also supports work in particularly difficult security situations such as hostage-taking or terrorist attacks.
Module for the control of special task forces and the documentation of information and leads
Extensive workflow management functions support the documentation of information and new leads, and efficient processing of evidence in intensive investigations. Not even the smallest item of information remains undocumented, thus also enabling effective control of different units in large task forces. The operations control staff always have a complete overview.
Communications analysis
Telecommunications analysis plays an important role in many investigations. rsCase thus also provides interfaces to just about all telecommunications monitoring systems. Comprehensive analysis also includes radio cell data, provider data, GPS data and forensic data from smartphones in the analysis. rsCase offers all of these options.
Data protection standards
Due to strict legal requirements, investigators using rsCase have powerful protection mechanisms at their disposal for protection of their data, right from the start of the data entry. Multi-layer rights and role assignments protect the results of investigations against authorised access, and enable full auditing at all times. In this way, the data ownership complies with the statutory and data protection regulations, to protect it from misuse by third parties.
Data become facts
rsCase makes structures and relationships visible, allowing detection of hidden facts. The software supports the internationally established “Intelligence Cycle”: from the information acquisition and collection in an information space, the data preparation and the merging with existing knowledge, through to presentation of the results. All in a single system, and networked with additional sources. Based on the principle of single data entry, multiple use.
The situation at a glance
rsCase enables targeted data access, detection of new lines of investigation and graphical presentation of the results. A modern operating concept combined with extensive data retrieval capabilities makes relationships between individuals and organisational structures or flows of money or goods visible. The modularly structured solution is in use on a daily basis, in particular for complex cases, for example in the combatting of terrorism, organised crime, people smuggling or drug trafficking. rsCase also supports work in particularly difficult security situations such as hostage-taking or terrorist attacks.
Module for the control of special task forces and the documentation of information and leads
Extensive workflow management functions support the documentation of information and new leads, and efficient processing of evidence in intensive investigations. Not even the smallest item of information remains undocumented, thus also enabling effective control of different units in large task forces. The operations control staff always have a complete overview.
Communications analysis
Telecommunications analysis plays an important role in many investigations. rsCase thus also provides interfaces to just about all telecommunications monitoring systems. Comprehensive analysis also includes radio cell data, provider data, GPS data and forensic data from smartphones in the analysis. rsCase offers all of these options.
Data protection standards
Due to strict legal requirements, investigators using rsCase have powerful protection mechanisms at their disposal for protection of their data, right from the start of the data entry. Multi-layer rights and role assignments protect the results of investigations against authorised access, and enable full auditing at all times. In this way, the data ownership complies with the statutory and data protection regulations, to protect it from misuse by third parties.
As the core element of the solution, rsFrame is always available in the background. Only with this combination of components does the software system exploit its full strengths: not merely the data consolidation but also the direct provision for other systems. The active data exchange and fast analyses are the decisive features.
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+49 (0) 208 30 66 16-0
rola Security Solutions GmbH
Essener Str. 5
46047 Oberhausen